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How To Wean Your Baby Onto Solid Foods - Simple Easy Steps To Follow 1

Hello, everyone Today, I wanted to speak to you about the first stage of weaning your baby from four to six months.  Find out what are the best food processors for baby food . I am a mom of two beautiful boys, Fraser, who's 3 1/2, and Caleb, who is nearly five months. It's funny how with your second one you forget what you did the first time. So I have just had to review everything that I did, and the correct way to wean, etc.  Actually just read all these books, so that you don't have to. So these are my top tips for weaning. - Disclaimer, my mommy's not a doctor, she's not an expert, and not a nutritionist. My mommy is a mommy. She has experience. -  First tip is make sure your baby is ready to be weaned. There's no point in doing it too soon. But also you don't want to leave it too late.  The Department of Health, they recommend that you wait until six months. But you are the mom, and you know best, and just go with your instincts, because you
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